There has long been some argument over what defines the Rhodesian and Bulldog shapes. Both shapes feature a similar bowl shape. The bowl tapers from the base outward toward a ridge and then tapers back inward from the ridge toward the top of bowl/chamber. Classic versions usually feature decorative double bead lines at the ridge. The common dispute about shape names has to do with the shank. The most popular definition and the one that we use is that if the shank is round then it is a Rhodesian and if the shank is diamond shaped it is a Bulldog. Some believe that the names are based on whether the pipe is bent or straight.

To further muddy the waters, certain variations feature specific names related to the proportions or shaping that make them unique compared to the textbook shape. The Bullcap and Bullmoose, for instance, have names similar to the Bulldog but they are actually Rhodesians according to the round vs. diamond shank definition. Freehand versions further complicate those shape ideals. One thing we can agree on is that both Rhodesians and Bulldogs are true classics and have been very popular amongst pipe smokers and collectors for more than one hundred years.

A number of Rhodesians have been part of the BriarWorks and Moonshine catalog for a while, and we recently added a proper diamond shanked Bulldog to the BriarWorks Classic line. From the very classic Bullmoose to the modern, playful interpretation that is the Moonshine Devil Dog we hope that fans of Rhodesians and Bulldogs can find a BriarWorks or Moonshine version that suits them.